Monday 11 July 2011

final assignment

NEMO is my group name. There are 5members in this group which are ray, kavita, lee swan, chiu ying and me. We formed this group during our first digital media tutorial class. Then, after Dr. Ken Neo tell us about how to do start our group assignment ,then we had select a tutorial leader in order to inform us about what to do. After that, cause our final assignment is about Promotes Tourism-Malaysia Holiday Destination in Malaysia, so after the discussion among the classmates, the tutorial leader had chosen the States in Malaysia as our title for the assignment. My group had choose Penang as our assignment's title and according to the guidelines it must relate to Bukit Bendera in Penang. So, our group assignment is about promoting Bukit Bendera (Flag Hill/ Penang Hill). After the discussion among the group members, leader had assigned task for every members in order to complete it successfully.Before we start our proposal, we had done some research about Bukit Bendera in Penang.
Here are some contents in my group proposal:
Objective: The main objectives of our website is mostly about promoting Penang since Bkt Bendera is one of the landmark in Penang which attracts numbers of tourists over years.

Demograpics: Since Penang is one of the most visited place by all range of people in Msia, we target all generations as our target audiences.

Sub-topics: After discussing, our members decided to set introduction, how to go, attraction, facilities and accomodation as the five sub topics in our website.

Job assigns:we have 5 members, we agreed to separate the 5 sub topics to each members in order to save up time. I am in charge of accommodation part. We will do all the further research and info required individually based on our sub topics. However, we will still work together in designing and working out the website.

we have create a blog of our group assignment and the link is

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